Thursday, June 26, 2008

Healed from lactose intolerance

Maybe you think its dumb that something so easily treatable & such a seemingly small thing like lactose intolerance being healed might not matter in the scope of miraculous healings - but it does! I had it, it was tedious at times, and felt like broken glass in your gut when it was irritated by ice cream & milk products.

I just had my SECOND ice cream cone in 2 days. I had one last night too, and it was GOOD going down, and never 'came back' to haunt me. Its been over 4 hours - the magic number - and no signs of intolerance!!

I've been watching the GOD.TV revival & some of the Pastors at my church have gone down to bring back the saving, healing, and delivering power of God being poured out in Lakeland, FL to our church.

God is moving and touching and healing people. Pray and don't miss it!

***If you are reading this, and you need or know someone who needs prayer, leave me a msg & I'll have my church pray for you!***